Have any queries or seeking further details? Please refer to the frequently asked questions and their responses provided below:
Our aim is to expedite the packing and shipping process, hence we allow order cancellations only within a 6-hour window post-purchase. If you need to cancel your order, kindly fill out the contact form located at the bottom of this page and choose ‘Cancel order’ as the subject. Remember to include your accurate order number, as we are unable to process cancellations without it. Incorrect or missing order numbers mean we cannot proceed with your cancellation request. Upon successful cancellation, we will issue a refund to your original payment method. This means a refund will be credited back to your credit card or PayPal account, depending on your initial payment method. Note: Your bank or credit card issuer might place a hold on the refunded amount for 1-3 days, which is beyond our control. We appreciate your understanding regarding these banking procedures.
To modify your order, the simplest approach is to cancel it within 6 hours (refer to the cancellation instructions provided above) and then submit a new order.
You’re eligible for a refund or reshipment if: your order doesn’t arrive within 50 business days, you receive the wrong item, or you return an unwanted item (unused, at your cost). Cancel within 6 hours for an immediate refund. Refunds are not available if: the error is due to your actions (e.g., incorrect address), external factors (e.g., customs, natural disasters), or cancellations after 6 hours. Submit refund requests via our contact form with ‘Refund order’ as the subject and include your correct order number. Requests are accepted up to 15 days post the 50-business-day delivery window.
Estimated delivery to most countries ranges from 10-30 business days post-shipment, with a maximum of 50 business days. Typically, orders are delivered within the 10-30 business day window. You’ll get a tracking number by email once your order ships, though free shipping may not include tracking. Items from the same order might be shipped separately for logistical reasons, even if combined shipping was requested. Please note, we are not liable for any customs fees incurred after shipping.
You’ll get an email with a tracking number when your order ships, though tracking may not be available for free shipping options. To track your order, use the recommended website. Be aware that tracking updates may not always reflect the package’s real-time status; it might be in your country even if not shown as such. Delivery can take up to 50 business days.
If your item doesn’t match your expectations or the description, first verify your order confirmation email for product variations chosen during purchase, as multiple options might be available at different prices. If the issue persists and you believe you received the wrong item, please use our contact form, select ‘Wrong product received,’ and include clear photos and a detailed discrepancy description. Ensure your order number is accurate when submitting the form.
Due to logistics, items from the same order might ship in separate packages, even with combined shipping selected. Please await the arrival of all items.
Choose your preferred currency at the top of our site, and prices will adjust based on Google Finance’s conversion rates. Transactions are usually in EUR, so the order confirmation will reflect this. If using a non-EUR card, your bank might apply a different exchange rate and fees. Check with your bank or card issuer for details. We’re not liable for any exchange rate or additional charges incurred.
Response times may vary due to time zones and current support volume. We aim to reply within 1-5 days, though complex issues may take longer. Expect delays during holidays due to high email volume. Thank you for your patience; we’ll respond as soon as we can.
Order confirmations and shipping updates are emailed to you. If missing, check your Junk/Spam folders or anti-spam settings. If still unresolved, you might have used an incorrect email when ordering. For help, use our contact form with ‘Not receiving notifications’ selected.
If you still have questions not listed above, please contact us by filling in the following contact us form.